Medina County Health Department Update on COVID-19
February 28, 2020, Medina, Ohio – The threat for the coronavirus in Ohio and Medina County remains low. But we know this can change, so we all have to be prepared.
What is the Health Department doing?
This is an evolving situation. The Medina County Health Department has been monitoring the global situation closely since the first cluster of cases in China was announced. The disease control and investigation staff at the Medina County Health Department are highly trained health professionals with many years of experience. What this team does 24 /7 /365 is focused on identification, isolation, diagnosis, and contact tracing for more than six dozen diseases. MCHD staff has planned and trained for outbreaks as a regular part of our essential public health function.
“In November, the health department conducted a 3-hour scenario-based discussion about pandemic influenza with several local and regional partners, including the Medina County Emergency Management Agency, Medina City Schools, Cleveland Clinic, the Society, and health departments from Cuyahoga, Lake, and Summit Counties,” said Krista Wasowski, Health Commissioners. “We have plans for public health emergencies, and we regularly review them with our partners to ensure we are prepared to respond.”
What do we know?
Coronavirus presents very much like the flu and is contagious. It is more dangerous than the flu, but not as dangerous as diseases like SARS and Ebola. Routine cleaning products can kill coronavirus. Handwashing works.
What steps can we take?
All residents who have not yet received a flu shot should do so. Any potential to reduce seasonal flu cases will free medical resources to diagnose and treat potential coronavirus cases. Every citizen can do this important step now. Call the Health Department at 330-723-9688, option 1 to make a same day appointment for a flu shot or check with your physician or pharmacist.
Masks are not recommended for general public use. There is no hard evidence that wearing a mask protects the wearer outside of the healthcare setting. Family preparedness, however, is recommended. Tips for this can be found at All adults are encouraged to consider this type of planning, not just for any possible coronavirus, but also for situations far more likely right now in northeast Ohio like winter storms.
Where can I find the latest information? has the latest real-time information from the CDC. This website will also contain responses to community questions. You can also follow the Health Department on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates. Click here.
The public health mission is to prevent, promote, and protect health. You can trust the Health Department to keep you informed and provide reliable information on what you can do during this outbreak and beyond.
The Medina County Health Department has protected your health since 1918. Services are partially supported by your property tax health levy. Equal opportunity provider.