Want to quit smoking? You are not alone! Nearly 70% of current tobacco users say they want to live a life free from nicotine addiction. Quitting nicotine is just like recovering from an addiction to any other drug. 

To set yourself up for success, you’ll need support and tools along the way. On average, it can take 7-10 attempts before someone is successful at staying tobacco free long term. No matter how many times it takes, quitting is worth it! 

Start your nicotine recovery journey today.

If you use tobacco, quitting could be the single best choice you could make for your health! The benefits of quitting can improve every area of life.

  • Your Mind – Quitting can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety as much as some medications.
  • Your Body – Your body is amazing and will begin to heal itself the moment you stop using tobacco.
  • Your Loved Ones – Quitting will benefit the health of your loved ones, pets and anyone else around you by eliminating secondhand smoke. 
  • Your Money – Saving your money is another huge benefit; The average smoker spends over $2,500 a year on cigarettes. Calculate how much you could save!
  • Your Recovery Journey – If you are in recovery from addiction to another drug, quitting nicotine can improve your chances of long-term recovery by 25% or more; continuing to use nicotine may make it harder for you to stay in recovery.
  • And so much more! 

Congrats on starting your nicotine recovery journey! Here are some steps to help you quit:

  1. Ask for help. Seeking support from your doctor, a therapist and family or friends increases odds of success; know you are not alone in your efforts to quit.
  2. Decide when to do it. Making a plan increases your chances of doing something. 
  3. Get medication, if needed, and use it correctly. Utilizing prescribed or over the counter Nicotine Replace Therapies (NRTs) can greatly increase your chances of quitting for good; talk with your healthcare provider about counseling resources or approved medications to help you quit.
  4. Be prepared. Finding ways to handle stress, monitoring triggers, and recovering from slips will help you manage urges.
  5. Keep trying. Reminding yourself of the benefits of quitting instead of beating yourself up over a slip up will help you recover and get back on track.
  6. Focus on your motivation. Maintaining persistence, not giving up when challenged or having setbacks, reminding yourself of your reason why you are quitting will keep you focused on achieving your goals.
  7. Change your routine. Eating healthy, learning a new skill, getting exercise, and limiting caffeine or alcohol will improve your mental and physical health.
  8. Keep your mind and hands busy. Planning on ways to distract yourself from urges such as having sugar-free mints or gum close by, taking up a new hobby, and looking for activities that don’t include tobacco can keep you moving forward with your quit journey.
  9. Tell people you’re stopping. Talking to friends and family about why you want to quit and why it’s important to you will increase their support in your effort.
  • The Ohio Tobacco Quit Line is a free and confidential quit coaching line for all Ohioans. You can get support and up to 8 weeks of Nicotine Replacement Therapy by calling 1-800-Quit Now (784-8669).
  • If you are looking for a treatment facility for recovery from other substances as well as tobacco, go to https://findtreatment.gov
  • For a list of Medina County providers who can help you in your nicotine recovery journey, call 330-723-9688, option 2.